Timothy Taylor's Brewery
Established in 1858 in Keighley, Timothy Taylor’s is the last independent brewery of its type left in West Yorkshire.
Timothy Taylor’s only use the very finest ingredients in our beer. These combined with our uncompromising brewing process ensure we deliver that taste of Taylor’s every time.
We think the human senses of taste and smell are still the best measure of beer, so our expert brewers test all ingredients, and every single brew is tasted at least three times for quality and consistency. Our traditional brewing process needs constant managing by the brewers, making fine adjustments to make sure that every pint of Timothy Taylor’s lives up to the reputation we have earned over the years.
We only use Golden Promise in our beers, a barley normally reserved for the production of malt whiskies. It has to be grown to our own exacting specification, it is a difficult, low-yield crop, which takes a skilled farmer and expert maltster, making it the most expensive barley you can use for brewing beer.
Our expert brewers use a unique blend of hop varieties that has been perfected over the last hundred and sixty years. This careful balance of spicy aromas, floral and slightly fruity notes with a subtle citrus is at the heart of the Taylor’s taste.
At the heart of Timothy Taylor’s beer is our own unique strain of yeast called, appropriately, Taylor’s Taste. Over 2,000 generations old and has particular qualities that allow the flavours and aromas of our hops to come through, and results in a well-balanced beer with a ‘polished clarity’ that is clean and crisp with a quenching finish.
Our Knowle Spring brewery is named after the Knowle Spring upon which it sits - a natural artesian well. Knowle spring water is naturally soft and very pure, in its pure form it is said to taste like melted snow. Its consistency is one of the reasons we are able to produce beers of such reliable quality and flavour.
NFYFC is a rural youth organisation for those who have a love for agriculture and rural life. YFCs provide their members with opportunities to develop life skills, work with their local communities, have their voice heard, take part in a varied programme and provide a peer support and friendship network.
Glorious Game aims to help increase the appeal of this hugely underappreciated but delicious, lean and nutritious meat. Inspired by her upbringing in the Angus Glens, and her Grandmother, who was a wonderful cook, Sophie has always been obsessed with food but is only too aware that not everyone shares her passion for game, which is often over-looked, or disliked for no good reason.
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