Love British Food’s call to actions from the new government

  • Cross-departmental working on the food brief is essential. 

  • Prioritise working with organisations, businesses and leaders who are working to deliver change in communities over lobbying groups.

  • Move on from discussions of a target of 50% British food across the public sector and instead focus on a programme of support to inspire and enable catering teams, food service organisations and wholesalers to connect how food is produced with nutritional outcomes.

  • Every primary school pupil to leave school knowing where their food comes from.

  • Every secondary school pupil to leave with an understanding of basic nutrition and the school role of food in their mental and physical health and wellbeing.

  • Free and healthy school meals for all; lunchtime is the 9th lesson of the day. At the very least, free school meals for all on universal credit; and the free food allowance to be ring-fenced so it is all spent on food and its delivery.

  • Ensure nutritious food is available and affordable to all. Government talks about everyone being within a 15 minute walk of green spaces. Apply a similar principle to nutritious food.


  • Clearer labelling to highlight provenance and the connection between how food is produced and its nutritional value. Review whether the Red Tractor and other levy budgets could be spent more usefully in achieving this?

  • Every food service organisation and wholesaler to be encouraged to feature a ‘Buy British’ category, similar to the supermarkets ‘Buy British button’.

  • Invest in growing substantially more fruit, vegetables, beans and pulses and encourage public institutions to incorporate these as part of a balanced menu alongside less but better quality meat.

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