Promotional Material

Food Hero Members and Love British Food Partners can access our promotional material here.

The Love British Food shelf barkers make our display stands look so much better. Not normally easy to do as an independent!

Aziatics Store, Shepperton

Posters, Bunting, Shelf barkers, Stickers, Table Talkers and Daily and Weekly Menu Posters. All featuring the Love British Food logo to show your customers that you support British food.

To download the material, please click the link below and enter the password that the Love British Food team has given you.

Download Promotional Material

If you work in a school, hospital, care home or other community orientated organisation we would be delighted for you to use our Love British Food posters, shelf barkers, stickers and bunting at no cost. If you work for an organisation that serves your community and would like to use our materials, please email

Love British Food Promotional Material

British Food Fortnight Promotional Material

Welsh Promotional Material

Northern Irish Promotional Material

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