Why Buy British?

Choosing British food means enjoying the diverse and delicious food that our varied countryside and seasonal climate produces. It is a way of rejoicing in the food that is grown on our doorsteps, tasting a part of Britain’s heritage, supporting farmers who maintain our beautiful countryside.

Why buy British food?

British food travels less far from farm to shop so has a lower carbon footprint than most imported foods.

Eating British fruits and vegetables in season is good for you. Foods in season contain the nutrients, minerals and trace elements that our bodies need at particular times of the year.

British meat is produced to some of the highest welfare standards in the world: no growth-promoting hormones are allowed and any antibiotics are administered only under veterinary direction.

Britain’s pig farmers operate by UK law to standards of welfare that are some of the highest in the world.

Britain’s beef and sheep industries are the envy of the world; breeding livestock and genetics from our native breeds are much sought after by farmers in other countries. Protect our great native livestock industry by buying the real thing, not an imported substitute.

Britain’s cattle passport system means that each animal can be uniquely traced to its dam (mother) and place of birth.

British chicken is reared to some of the highest standards in the world.

You will be supporting the economy; everyone from the farmer, to those who work in food processing and the shops, pubs and restaurants selling the food.

You will play your part in protecting our environment as much of Britain’s food is produced in a sustainable way that enhances the countryside.

You will have the assurance of knowing what you are eating. Britain has some of the most robust food assurance and traceability systems in the world.

No sheep; no cows; no grains: no countryside!

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