Cider is Wine 

Cider Is Wine is defining and creating a new market for ciders and perries made from 100% whole fruit. Cider Is Wine is bang on trend, appeals to wine consumers who want to drink less alcohol, but still have the authentic experience. EU Law states that wine must be fermented exclusively from grapes. Yet UK cider can be made from just 35% juice – apples and/or pears – all of which can be from imported concentrate: a so-called ‘British’ cider made from imported apples is hardly authentic! 

Glass of wine? A: Yes please, I love wine!

Q: Glass of cider? No thanks, I don’t drink cider!

Cider Is Wine wants to change perceptions about cider and brings 70 years of drinks market experience to reveal an unknown fact to global drinkers – ciders, when fermented exclusively from apples and pears, are just like wine. 

Wine made from grapes must be fermented exclusively from grapes, a requirement that’s embedded in EU law. Yet a drink sold as ‘cider’ in the UK can be made from just 35% juice, all of which can be from imported concentrate: a so-called ‘British’ cider made from imported apples is hardly authentic!

In fact, there are no global standards for cider production, so Cider Is Wine’s mission is to clearly define the sector for real, artisan ciders and perries exclusively fermented from 100% juice with no concentrates – in fact, wine by any other name.

These ciders are naturally lower in alcohol and made from the whole fruit, not-from-concentrate so, like wines, they reflect where they come from, who produced them, the varietals that made them and the event year in which they were harvested.

Our British producer members’ craft ciders are made, not manufactured, and are redolent of locality – what winemakers call ‘terroir’ – and in the values, skills, pride and passion of the producer. 

Cider Is Wine works on a number of different platforms to open up both wholesale and retail markets, giving a louder voice and greater visibility to its British members to create a new market – and an untapped sales opportunity worth, conservatively, £150 million – through high-level PR and events, as well as down-to-earth consumer activities.

Look for the holograms on the bottles of member producers: they mark the 100% juice ciders and perries – the real deal if you like. 

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