Sophie Murray
Sophie Murray is Governance and Regulation Manager for Harbour Healthcare with a specialism in Nutrition and Hydration for older people. She is also an ambassador for the NACC – National Association for Care Catering, having served as National Deputy Chair for 3 years. She has been a registered nurse for over 25 years and has a degree in Nutritional Medicine and has owned a restaurant. She has been award winning in her roles which primarily links care and catering together to promote a responsive high standard of dining and food. Sophie regularly speaks at events and is also a published writer for clinical and industry journals.
The NACC enables Sophie to support in promoting food and nutritional care standards throughout the industry as they are the leading organisation for the care sector in this area. Sophie loves her job being able to support and influence stabdards in fiid and drink, working with amazing Chefs to provide wonderful menus and dining experiences for the residents that use the service, knowing how crucial it is to wellbeing and quality of life.
Her passion for food was borne from an interest in health and wellbeing, which extends to use of local fresh food from all of the wonderful options we have to offer in England.
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