Stream Farm
Stream Farm is situated in a hidden valley high up in the Quantocks in Somerset. They sell organic beef, lamb, pork, chicken, eggs, apple juice and sheepskins, along with their stream-fed rainbow trout. Their cattle and sheep graze the permanent pasture and red and white clover leys throughout the Spring, Summer and much of the Autumn. In the long winter months their herd of pedigree Dexter cattle move to barns where they eat their own haylage. they calve all the year round, and lamb their flock of pedigree Hampshire Down etheys from January onwards, to be ready for eating in the late Spring and Summer. Their rainbow trout grow in a hatchery fed by the stream that runs through the farm, and are sold both fresh for the plate and hot-smoked over oak. orchard. All of their fresh organic produce is available to buy on their website.
Stream Farm
Bridgwater, Somerset
The very best meat and local produce
Home reared lamb, beef and pork
A selection of quality meat from free range chickens to their superb chicken sausages
Deliciously creamy goats milk producing a range of cheeses
Organic, Guernsey whole milk yoghurt
Cheeses made using old-fashioned manual methods, giving the cheeses more flavour
Award winning artisan cheesemaker
Stream-fed rainbow trout
Tiny farm, 9 acres making delicious veg boxes
Delightful blueberry farm
Dowding’s have organic orchards in south east Somerset, near Bruton
Family cidermakers with our home at Myrtle Farm in Somerset. We care about our ciders, and we care about tomorrow. We’ve a vision to create sustainable, great tasting cider for generations to come, enjoyed, loved and respected the world over.
The art of traditional cheese making will never be lost on the Somerset farm where the Clothier family have been making Cheddar in Somerset since 1861
Dowding’s have organic orchards in south east Somerset, near Bruton. They also harvest apples from local gardens and orchards where there is no-one using the apples. They blend dessert and cooking apples to make pure Somerset apple juices and ciders. These supply regional restaurants and shops, but also travel to all parts of the UK via online orders.
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