Collett's Farm Kitchen
Collett's Farm are a small family run farm in Wormingford, Colchester producing fabulous homemade pies and pastries using English Longhorn Beef, Lamb and Outdoor Reared Pork all from their own farm. Born and reared on their farm, their prize winning, grass fed Longhorn cattle produce the finest beef available in mixed boxes or as individual cuts.
Their cattle are kept to the highest standards and mature slowly. They are then dry aged for 28 days to give you mouth watering beef. Produce is available to buy in their shop as well as to be ordered by contacting them and then collecting.
Colletts Farm
Meat boxes of home reared beef and locally sourced meats
Family farm rearing beef, pork and lamb
Award winning beef and meatbox scheme
Wild deer and game birds shot on local estates
Comprehensive range of locally sourced game
Supplying local residents with doorstep deliveries of milk, eggs and other fresh produce from East Anglian farms
Milk, cream, cheese and yogurt made using only the freshest milk
Family run independent online fishmongers
Home grown veg box
Beautiful farm growing fruit and veg
Tasty fruit and homemade apple juice
Deersbrook Farm can be found nestled in the beautiful Essex countryside
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