Throughout British Food Fortnight we had themed days to promote different kinds of food-related businesses – Meat-Free Mondays, Treat-Yourself Tuesdays, Heart-Warming Wednesdays, Meat-Feast Thursdays, Fish-Supper Fridays and Savoury Saturdays.
Each day customers could receive double points through the Mi Rewards programme (Barnsley’s own customer loyalty scheme) when they shopped at businesses relevant to that day’s theme.
Cooking demonstrations were also held in the atrium of Barnsley Market to promote the new ‘Barnsley Larder’ cookbook – launched on Thursday 9th September and featuring recipes and hints and tips from a range of local businesses. Ian McMillan, local poet and author, wrote the foreword to the cookbook and signed copies in the Market on Wednesday 29th September, which were then handed out to the audience free of charge.
British Food Fortnight has been a great opportunity for Barnsley residents to come together to celebrate a love of quality and locally sourced food. The ‘Barnsley Larder’ cookbook celebrates both traditional local dishes, such as the famous Barnsley chop, as well as traditional international dishes, such as Pork Gyros and Prawn Tom Yum Soup. The book is inspiring local residents to try new recipes, as well as encouraging residents to shop locally to support independent businesses.
Here in Barnsley we’re proud of our culinary traditions, as well as the variety of internationally-inspired businesses that now call this town home. We’ve loved taking part in the British Food Fortnight celebrations and are looking forward to future opportunities to showcase our amazing produce very soon.
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The campaign Love British Food, the national food celebrations ‘British Food Fortnight’ and their associated logos are trademarked and must not be used without the express permission of the owners, Love British Food. Companies or individuals wanting to use the logos or run promotions and activity in association with British Food Fortnight or Love British Food can work with Love British Food as a member or partner or with permission from the founder.
Love British Food